I Hated God… and Other Thanksgiving Thoughts

Yesterday morning I stopped and took this picture. I knew the MOMENT I took it that this testimony was ready to write. I’ve been trying to write it for months. I think God was still putting his finishing touches on my heart because I was struggling to articulate it. When I took this picture, I…

What 529 Intentional Acts of Kindness Taught Me… Truth #5

If you are just following this series, let me encourage you to read the other posts first to understand this project better… Truth #5: If the desert needs rain, your local businesses and leaders are the Mojave. If the world looks like a desert, I suddenly located a Mojave. The people MOST in need of…

What 529 Intentional Acts of Kindness Taught Me… Truth #4

If you are just now following this project, let me encourage you to read the other posts to find out more about it… Truth #4: The desert needs rain. I would smile the first few times that I heard, “You have NO IDEA how much I needed that.” But as I got further down my…

What 529 Intentional Acts of Kindness Taught Me… Truth #3

If this is your first viewing on this series, let me encourage you to read the other posts to understand this project… Truth #3: No single person can express what we mean to the rest of the world When we combine social media with man’s quest for significance and meaning, it is clear the potential…

What 529 Intentional Acts of Kindness Taught Me… Truth #1

Recently, I embarked on an ‘attitude adjustment’. I was exhausted with negative comments and posts on my social media page. So much so, that it was beginning to create a change in me that I could no longer tolerate, especially over election season. I felt annoyed and angry and hurt toward humanity. However, unlike many…

A Start Up Life In Review

I want to congratulate my colleagues at Duck Creek Technologies today for arriving at their IPO. I have been extra sentimental today and it has taken me a while to connect all the pieces. But in doing so, I feel I have some great things to share with my business friends and associates about what…

Top Tips for Increasing Productivity When Working From Home with Kids

Working from home. With kids. Wheeeeeeeee…….. My company has a completely distributed workforce, but we do not allow this when you are the primary care giver while working from home. However, for key employees, sometimes we all compromise during childcare emergencies. And after 20 years in the technology business, often as a key employee myself,…

Collaboration… aka Diversity in Practice

Collaboration or Competition. Both have this really healthy side of them. However, even competitions are more fun to watch when they involve a form of collaboration. It is difficult to talk about work without talking about collaboration. We were not meant to be alone. In fact, we were created to work together. Those who know me well understand that I…

Creativity… a source of Joy

I’ve had a LOT of jobs over the years. From data entry to running companies. Over the years, I have noticed something interesting. I am my MOST joyful in my work when it affords me creativity. Let me tell you, I have had my seasons of sour grapes. Creativity as defined by Webster is the ability…

The Elusive Work Life Balance

Lately certain people around me have been making a huge deal about my status as a female tech company CEO. Note how ‘female’ is always put there. I am really sorry to my male colleagues. Somehow my gender matters more than my ideas these days. *sigh* It is in this role that I often get…